Sunday, December 28, 2014

Game Night

Greetings Summoners,

The other evening, I visited my good friend, and the person who introduced me to League Of Legends, RCIECRISPIES. It was a brief night, as I had to work the next day, but we managed to fit in a number of games, all in unranked queues.

Our night started with discussing The Legend Of The Poro King game mode, and its rewards. We discovered that I had nearly completed all the requirements for all the Snowdown events rewards, and committed to fulfilling the last outstanding requirements.

To that end, we played a match of The Legend Of The Poro King. He chose Nidalee, and I chose Ashe. This was a tough start to the night. We lost fairly decisively, with the most credit going to a marauding enemy Gangplank routinely blowing up each of us.

We decided then to play a few games in the teambuilder queue. The first of which, he played ADC as Caitlyn with me supporting as Nasus. This was a fairly respectable game with Caitlyn scoring 7/2/5, and Nasus went 1/1/2-10, and taking the team (along with a hard-carrying Yasuo that went 24/6/8) to victory.

The next match, RCIECRISPIES and I played Kalista and Alistar. We quickly realized this game would not turn out in our favour. We faced an opposing Kalista and Leona in lane, and despite having the support/counter advantage, it was clear that the skill differential between the carries would lead to our defeat.

The highlight of the night, for me, was the next match, where we went Thresh ADC and Shaco support. Big plays were abundant! Check out this beauty:

It turns out that the wind up on Thresh's Death Sentence is a perfect cue to use Deceive to close the distance for the engage, and use a Jack-In-The-Box to cover the escape. The Crowd Control is enough to easily score the kill on the enemy Kayle. What was supposed to be a joke of a bottom lane comp turned into a reckoning force, winning the lane, and winning the match, with Thresh closing out sporting a score of  23/8/13.