Friday, February 27, 2015

2015 Ranked Season (Placement Match Horror)

Greetings Summoners,

It has been a long while since the last blog post, due to time constraints and technology malfunctions, but things are looking up, and I'm taking the opportunity to bring things up to date.

On January 21st, the 2015 Ranked Season of League Of Legends began. All ranked ladders were reset, and all ranked summoners were required to complete 10 placement matches to determine their standing in the new season.

Friend, let me tell you, this was an incredibly frustrating experience for yours truly,

On Friday, January 23rd, good buddy rekka02 and I had a placement match marathon day, and things did not go well. We fit in 6 matches, and the results were dismal:
  1. In the first match, rekka02 played Kog'Maw/ADC, and I played Blitzcrank/Support, and lost.
  2. In the second match, he played Nasus/Top, and I played Sivir/ADC, and won.
  3. Third match, his Jinx/ADC, and my Thresh/Support won  the game.
  4. In the fourth match, his Jinx/ADC, and my Alistar/Support could not hold, and lost.
  5. The fifth match was another disappointment, with his Caitlyn/ADC, and my Kayle/Mid unable to secure the win.
  6. In our sixth and final match together, his Nasus/Top, and my Alistar/Support lost again.
(Special thanks to Petite Ninja for the sarcastic sympathy over the losses, haha). This was incredibly discouraging. We did not ever play too terribly, and in fact did well in most games, but it was not enough to get the positive win:loss ratio.

It would not be until Sunday, January 25th that I would return to ranked play. I completed my placement matches, managing to obtain an even win:loss ratio by winning 3 of the 4 remaining matches. The results were:
  1. A win as Graves/ADC in the first match.
  2. The second match, I played Lux/Support.
  3. I won the third match as Alistar/Support.
  4. The fourth match was a stellar Sivir/ADC game.
After going even, getting 5 wins and 5 losses in my placement matches, I was placed in Bronze 5, in the Swain's Horde division.

This was an extremely disappointing result. Since then, I have been floundering, making little to no progress in climbing the ladder.

That is, until recently. Yesterday, February 26th, I managed to go on a hot streak, climbing to promos, and today, I completed my promotion series, advancing to Bronze 4. Hooray for one rung off the bottom!

What's more is that with the 5.4 patch, League Replays has released an update, and works again, meaning I will be able to make new videos!

This has revitalized me! In the coming days, I plan a few more posts, including:
  1. Advancing To Bronze 4 Promotion Series (likely with a compilation video of some of the great plays made along the way)
  2. The Promo Series (possibly with another video - do I dare commentate?!?!)
  3. I have long planned a post on the subject of warding, I need to take the time to mark up a map of the rift with some objectives and ward locations.
As always, I love to hear back. Tell me anything. What were your placement matches like? What strategies do you favour? Any questions or concerns about what I've posted?

Cheers for now.